Floating Land Archive Site 2021


Lyndon Davis, Leah Barclay and Tricia King

Beeyali is a Kabi Kabi word meaning ‘to call’. This work visualises the calls of wildlife on Kabi Kabi Country using cymatics, the science of visualising acoustic energy or sound. Beeyali involves a series of experiments using new technologies and different environmental materials to reveal cymatics, including ochre and water.

For Floating Land 2021, a new projection and sound work has been developed where the sonic vibrations become ripples and energy, creating dynamic geometric patterns that reveal the materiality of sound using digital photography. Each sound has an individual pattern, and the wildlife featured in this project have unique geometric visualisation of their call, a sonic fingerprint. This project provides new ways to connect to the environment and discover connections between scientific methods, Indigenous knowledge and new technology.

Lyndon Davis is a Gubbi Gubbi artist, educator and cultural performer. Raised on the Sunshine Coast by his grandmother, Lyndon’s arts practice represents his deep connection to country and depicts stories of his regions flora and fauna and creation stories.

Leah Barclay is an Australian sound artist, designer and researcher who works at the intersection of art, science and technology. Barclay’s research and creative work over the last decade has investigated innovative approaches to recording and disseminating the soundscapes of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to inform conservation, scientific research and public engagement. Her work explores ways we can use creativity, new technologies and emerging science to reconnect communities to the environment and inspire climate action.

Tricia King is a documentary photographer and a Lecturer in Photography in the School of Business and Creative Industries at USC. Her research focuses on photography, its role in personal and cultural memory, and the construction of identity. Utilising techniques like photo-elicitation, documentary and collaborative photography, Tricia develops collaborative participant driven projects working predominantly with people experiencing social isolation.


